
Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 8, 2024


Aria SAS, which manages the website, attaches great importance to the protection and confidentiality of your personal data which represent for us a pledge of seriousness and confidence.

The Privacy Policy specifically reflects our willingness to enforce compliance within Aria with applicable data protection rules and, in particular, with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

In particular, the Privacy Policy aims to inform you about how and why we process your data in connection with the services we provide.

The policy applies to you, regardless of where you live, as long as you are a client or visitor to the website.

Why do we process your data?

To provide our services, we have to process your personal data:

  • for you to navigate our website, benefit from our services and so that we can respond to your requests (e.g. requests for information, complaints, etc.) on the basis of our general terms of use and our legitimate interest in providing you with the best possible service.
  • for you to follow us and comment on our publications on social networks on the basis of our legitimate interest in having a dedicated page on social networks.
  • to launch videos on our website on the basis of our legitimate interest in providing you with content in video format.
  • to allow the downloading of documents on the basis of our general conditions of use.

Your data is collected directly from you when you use our website and we undertake to process your data only for the reasons described above.

However, when you voluntarily post content on the pages we publish on social networks, you acknowledge that you are fully responsible for any personal information you may transmit, regardless of the nature and origin of the information provided.

For cookies, please see our dedicated Cookie Policy available on our website.

Candidate Privacy Policy

Just like the protection of our employees, the confidentiality of personal data of candidates applying for a position within Aria SAS (hereinafter, “we”) is a priority.

This policy only pertains to the processing activities we conduct ourselves and does not apply to processing that may be performed by external recruiters or recruitment websites to assist us in selecting candidates.

If you wish to obtain more information about the processing carried out by external recruiters or recruitment websites, we encourage you to contact them directly.

The privacy policy is intended for any candidate (hereinafter, “you“) during the recruitment process (e.g., applying for a job offer, submitting a spontaneous application, recruitment via an external agency, etc.) for employment with us, regardless of the duration or nature of the proposed contract (e.g., employee position, temporary worker, intern, etc.).

Why do we process your data and on what grounds?

As a recruiter, we are necessarily required to process your data to manage recruitment activities (e.g., interviews, application processing, salary negotiation, etc.), any potential travel that may occur in the context of these recruitments, and the security of our premises.

The processing is carried out based on the discussions we have with you during the recruitment process and our legitimate interest in recruiting and selecting candidates.

We commit to processing your data only for the reasons and on the grounds mentioned above.

Information we collect

We have summarized the categories of personal data that we collect and their respective duration of retention.

If you wish to obtain further details on the durations of storage applicable to your data, you can contact us at the address:

  • Professional identification data (e.g. last name, first name, position, company, etc.) and contact data (e.g. email address and business phone number, etc.) kept for the entire duration of the provision of the service, plus the legal statute of limitations, which is generally 5 years.
  • When there is a confusion between the name of your structure and your personal name (ex: auto-entrepreneur, TPE, etc.), economic and financial data (ex: bank account number, verification code, etc.) kept for the time necessary for the transaction and the management of invoicing and payments, to which are added the legal statute of limitations, which are generally from 5 to 10 years
  • Email address in the context of our commercial prospecting campaigns by email kept for a maximum of 3 years from the last contact we had with you.
  • Phone number in the context of our commercial prospecting campaigns by phone kept for a maximum period of 3 years from the last contact we had with you.
  • Connection data (e.g. logs, IP address, etc.) kept for a period of 1 year.
  • Statistical data relating to the viewing of our videos which is anonymized and stored indefinitely.
  • Cookies which are generally kept for a maximum of 13 months. For more details on how we use your cookies, you can consult our cookie policy, which can be accessed at any time on our website.

Once the retention periods described above have expired, the deletion of your personal data is irreversible and we will no longer be able to provide it to you after this period. At most, we may only retain anonymous data for statistical purposes.

We have also summarized below the categories of personal data that we collect directly from you or through external recruiters, as well as their respective retention periods:

  • Personal, professional identification data, and contact details (e.g., name, surname, date of birth, nationality, email address, phone number, etc.) are retained for the duration of the recruitment process.
  • Personal and professional life data (e.g., degrees, certificates, age, marital status, driving license, etc.) are retained for the duration of the recruitment process.
  • Economic and financial data (e.g., salaries, bonuses, etc.) are retained for the duration of the recruitment process.

In general, we retain your CV for a maximum period of 2 years after your application, unless you instruct otherwise by contacting us at

The deletion of your personal data is irreversible, and we will no longer be able to provide it to you after this period. At most, we can only retain anonymous data for statistical purposes.

However, in the event of employment, the data collected during the recruitment process will automatically be transferred to your personal file and become subject to the Employee Data Privacy Policy.

Please also note that in the event of litigation, we are required to retain all of your data for the duration of the processing of the case even after the expiration of the retention periods described above.

Your privacy rights

The applicable data protection regulations give you specific rights that you can exercise, at any time and free of charge, to control how we use your data.

  • Right of access and to obtain a copy of your personal data as long as this request is not in opposition with business secrecy, confidentiality, or the secrecy of correspondence.
  • Right of rectification of personal data that are incorrect, obsolete or incomplete.
  • Right to object to the processing of your personal data implemented for commercial prospecting purposes.
  • Right to request erasure (“right to be forgotten”) of your personal data that are not essential to the proper functioning of our services.
  • Right to the restriction of processing your personal data which allows you to freeze the use of your personal data in case of dispute about the lawfulness of a processing.
  • Right to ask for the portability of your data which allows you to download part of your personal data in order to store it or transmit it easily from one information system to another.
  • Right to provide guidelines on the fate of your data in the event of your death either by you, a trusted third party or an heir.

To be considered, your request has to be done by you only at the address Any request that does not follow this process cannot be treated.

Requests cannot be made by anyone other than you. Therefore, we may ask you to provide proof of identity if there is any doubt about your identity.

We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within one month of receipt, unless the request is complex or repeated. In this case, the response time may be up to three months.

Please note that we may always refuse to respond to any excessive or unfounded request, especially if it is repetitive.

Who can access your data?

We only disclose your data to individuals duly authorized to use it to provide you with our services. This primarily includes our human resources staff, the team seeking to recruit a candidate, or personnel responsible for the security of our premises.

Your personal data can also be transferred to our service providers for the sole purpose of technically operating our service (e.g. data host).

We specify that we audit every service provider before recruiting them in order to verify that they are strictly complying with the applicable rules regarding personal data protection.

Security of your information

We implement all the technical and organizational means required to guarantee the security of your data and, in particular, to fight against any risk of destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure of your data (e.g., training, access control, passwords, antivirus, backup servers, “https”, etc.)

Transfers outside the European Union

Unless strictly necessary and on an exceptional basis, we never transfer your data outside the European Union and your data is always hosted on European soil. In addition, we undertake to do our best to recruit only service providers who host your data within the European Union.

In case we are using service providers that need to transfer your personal data outside the European Union, we undertake to verify that they are implementing appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and protection of your personal data.

Who can you contact for more information?

We have officially appointed an outsource and independent Data Protection Officer (“DPO“) to our supervisory authority in order to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your personal data.

You can contact our DPO at any time and free of charge at in order to obtain more information or details on how we process your personal data.

How can you contact the CNIL?

You may at any time contact the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés or “CNIL” at the following address: CNIL Complaints Department, 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80751, 75334 Paris Cedex 07 or by phone at

Changes to our privacy policy

We may change our Privacy Policy at any time to adapt it to new legal requirements as well as to new processing that we may implement in the future.


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